01. Introduction


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So you applied to a job and you got a callback for an interview. Congratulations!

Employers get dozens if not hundreds of job applications, and you were one of the few they picked to interview. That means they believe you're qualified for the role - so you should believe it too.

Interview structures vary. Usually, a recruiter at the company will first call you to do a phone screen interview. Then, an in-person interview follows; this interview can sometimes be conducted online over video chat. Sometimes, you have multiple in-person interviews. Each company has their own hiring policy, so keep that in mind when you're prepping.

What won't change, regardless of which company you are interviewing for, is you.

The reasons for why you want the job won't change. Your qualifications for the job won't change. You need to be sure of all of this going into the interview.

In this lesson, we'll go over strategies for you to best prep yourself for an interview. Come on, let's do it.